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"It was love at first sight"...

Stories. They are what people long to hear and in return tell. How was your day? What did you do at the weekend? How did that date go? Every coffee date, lunch break, obligatory nicety, entices a tale; an invitation to open the gateway of reminiscence and retell. When you look back through the history of literature itself, origins arise from the passing of myth and tale from member to member of clan and civilization, from generation to generation. (A picture of campfires automatically comes to mind…) Hence my storytelling of, low and behold, storytelling. Literature is more than what is simply written on paper. It is what one has felt, endured and imagined; time capsules that hold the key to unlocking a puzzle not yet solved, all in neat little packages of paper and ink. These compact paper universes; to an English student and bookworm like myself; are the candy sitting on the shelves of sweet-shops, we the nagging children yearning for a taste. As I’m sure many of you...

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